Fly high in the sky by hot air balloon, at ParkLake

Run into an entertaining adventure like the heroes of Jules Verne’s novels and be closer to heaven! Between  August 17th to 26th, between 5 PM – 9 PM, we invite you at ParkLake Garden to experience unique moments and enjoy a ride with the hot air balloon! Free access for all participants.

Rules for  hot air balloon activities:

1. Climbing up and down into and out of the balloon will only be done with the pilot’s approval

2. During the balloon trip and on board, the persons on board shall strictly respect the decisions and instructions of the balloon’s pilot

3. While in the balloon or in the vicinity of the balloon, it is forbidden to touch the equipment or handle the ropes in any way, except when the pilot has specifically requested it

4. Access for children under 4 is forbidden.

5. Minors aged 4 to 18  will only climb into the platform under the supervision of an adult.

6. Smoke in or near the umbrella is strictly forbidden.

7. Access for persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages or hallucinogenic substances is forbidden.

8. For safety reasons, the time horizon may be offset in adverse weather conditions (wind above 2m / s, rain or rainfall, stormy days, etc.)

16 August 2018